

Usage #

Invoke :Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next and :Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_prev to jump around diagnostics. When the current cursor position has a diagnostic available, the commands will show the diagnostic in a nice float.


You can use scroll_preview to preview code action in the diagnostic window. Default keybind is <C-f> and <C-b>.

Scroll preview

Workflow shown in the GIF set jump_num_shortcut to true.

  1. [e was bind to diagnostic_jump_next with vim.keymap.set('n', '[e', '<cmd>Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next')
  2. The current position has diagnostic, so a diagnostic window is opened in place.
  3. Uses <C-f> and <C-b> to preview code action.
  4. Presses 2 to execute code action number 2.

Sometimes when trying to copy the diagnostic message, one would want to jump to diagnostic jump window. You can use <C-w>w and use keys.quit to quit the window or move to code action then press o to execute code action.

Action preview

Change the Actions icon by using ui.actionfix='your icon'

Default Options #

Default options for the diagnostic module.

  • show_code_action = true
    • Show code action in diagnostic jump window. It’s useful. Suggested to set to true
  • jump_num_shortcut = true
    • Enable number shortcuts to execute code action quickly
  • max_width = 0.8
    • Diagnostic jump window max width
  • max_height = 0.6
    • Diagnostic jump window max height
  • text_hl_follow = true
    • Diagnostic jump window text highlight follow diagnostic type
  • border_follow = true
    • Diagnostic jump window border follow diagnostic type
  • extend_relatedInformation = false
    • When have relatedInformation, diagnostic message is extended to show it
  • show_layout = 'float'
    • Config layout of diagnostic window not jump window
  • show_normal_height = 10
    • Show window height when diagnostic show window layout is normal
  • max_show_width = 0.9
    • Show window max width when layout is float
  • max_show_height = 0.6
    • Show window max height when layout is float
  • diagnostic_only_current = false
    • Only show diagnostic virtual text on the current line

Default Keymaps #

These are default keymaps in diagnostic.keys section:

  • exec_action = 'o' execute action (in jump window)
  • quit = 'q' quit key for the jump window
  • toggle_or_jump = '<CR>' toggle or jump to position when in diagnostic_show window
  • quit_in_show = { 'q', '<ESC>' } quit key for the diagnostic_show window

Advanced Configuration #

Change options in the diagnostic part of the setup table like config below:

    diagnostic = {
        max_height = 0.8,
        keys = {
            quit = {'q', '<ESC>'}

Diagnostic Jump Filter #

If you only want to jump over error with specific severity diagnostic, set your keymap like config below:

keymap("n", "[E", function()
  require("lspsaga.diagnostic"):goto_prev({ severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR })

Control the Diagnostic Shown #

Lspsaga support showing cursor, line, buffer, and workspace diagnostic.

Diagnostic shown

You can use keys.toggle_or_jump to expand or collapse some file or jump to the diagnostic position.

Change Diagnostic Window Layout #

Specify in command or in setup option show_layout, command option has higher priority. :Lspsaga show_workspace_diagnostics ++normal or :Lspsaga show_workspace_diagnostics ++float.

Diagnostic window layout

Unfocus the Diagnostic Show Float Window #

If ++unfocus was passed in as argument (for instance, :Lspsaga show_buf_diagnostics ++unfocus), The cursor will not jump to the diagnostic show window, and show window will be deleted automatically when these autocmd events triggers 'CursorMoved', 'CursorMovedI', 'InsertEnter', 'BufDelete', and 'WinScrolled'.

Remove Redundant Virtual Text #

When you enable Neovim default diagnostic virtual text, it will add diagnostic virtual text whenever possible. You can set diagnostic_only_current = true to show the diagnostic virtual text only in current line.

Note that you need to disable Neovim default diagnostic virtual text by using:

    virtual_text = false

Virtual text