Welcome to nvimdev!

What is nvimdev? #
nvimdev is an organization that maintains all the plugins made by glepnir.
Plugins #
lspsaga.nvim: Neovim LSP enhancement plugin
dashboard-nvim: Fancy Neovim start screen
guard.nvim: Async format and linting utility for Neovim
template.nvim: Template for Neovim
indentmini.nvim: A minimalist indent plugin
dyninput.nvim: Dynamically change input character
dbsession.nvim: A simple session management plugin
nerdicons.nvim: Search, copy, and paste Nerd Fonts icons
flybuf.nvim: Show buffers list in float window and quickly navigate between
hlsearch.nvim: Auto hide and rehighlight the search pattern
nvim-plugin-template: Neovim plugin template with CI and integration test
dope: Neovim config template
Troubleshooting #
Sponsor #

Backers #
List the people who through PayPal, WeChat, or Alipay:
- @Tuo Huang
- @Scott Ming
- @Möller Lukas
- @HendrikPetertje
- @Bojan Wilytsch
- @zhourrr
- @Burgess Darrion
- @Ceserani Alessandro